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What is Treatment of HIV/AIDS



HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. A virus is a very small living organism which is smaller that bacteria and cause infections disease from the above name, the virus affect human causing deficiency in the immune system of the body.

AIDs is the name given to the "disease" or group of disease caused by above virus (HIV) and stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome the word acquired indicates that it is not inherited by acquired through infection by the virus.


Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome can be said to be a household name in most Nigerians have heard the name. The name, the disease is very devastating and has caused many deaths in almost every country of the world. It is estimated that more than 22million people have died of Aids since the disease was identified in 1781, with about 42 million people living with AIV/AIDs world wide this include children, adult men & women and most of one third of these aged 15-24 years.

Hiv is the virus that infects people to cause AIDs and the estimate is that about 16,000 people are affected everyday. About 90% if the people with HIV/AIDs are living in develop countries including Nigeria.

There are two types (secotypes) of the virus belonging to the family of viruses known as retrovirus. the types are called HIV 1 and HIV 2. Both cause te disease AIDs. The type which is most often encountered is HIV 1 which has high rate of replication and transmission the HIV 2 is less readily transmitted with a longer period between infection and the development of AIDs.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Infection
when the virus enters the human body it attacks the white blood cells known as T-lymphocytes which are responsible for the body defense (immune) mechanism. The body immune system helps to fight off bacteria, virus, and parasites.
inside the human body the virus multiples readily and rapidly. during this period, the antibodies whose presence in the blood is used to confirm HIV infection may not be defected. also, the presence of CD4 cell may still be normal CD4 cells are body's ability to fight infection. this early stage of the infection lasts for about 12 weeks and is without symptoms but the person is highly infectious.
the second stage of the infection is one when the body immune system seems to control the virus mainly in the lymphoid tissue. it is symptom free and lasts for 2 or 5 years. the antibodies of the virus are detected in the blood and CD4 cell count is usually more than 500 cells/ml.
The third stage is when the patient starts to show early signs and symptoms of immune deficiency and lasts for 2 to 3 years. the virus multiplies rapidly and CD4 count falls to between 200 to 500 cells/ml.
The final stage is when the virus has destroyed the immune system completely. the CD4 count is below 200 cells/ml and the antibodies may or may not be detected. this time, life threatening opportunistic infections will start to appear. in a normal person, the patient may have chronic diarrhoea, skin infection, chronic fatigue and respiratory problem. as the immune system is destroyed,more severe disease will appear such as tuberculosis, cancer, pneumocystic pneumonia and cryptococcal meningitis. these will lead to death within two years.

Signs of HIV/AIDs

when a person is infected with HIV as state above, for the first 6 weeks to 6 months, the blood may test negative to the antibody. even when one has tested positive to HIV it may take 5 to 10 years to develop AIDS. the major signs of AIDS include weight loss mote that 10% of body weight, fever for more than one month either intermittently or continuously and chronic diarrhoea for more than one month. other symptoms are persistent cough for more than one month, generalized dermatitis, lymphnode enlargement and fungal infection of the mouth and pharynx.

Transmission of HIV
The virus is transmitted or passed on to other people in one of the following ways:

1.    Through sexual intercourse or contact of any form. This route of transmission accounts for more than 80% of the infection.
2.    Through sharing of needles and syringes by intravenous drug users.
3.    Through transfusion of infected blood or blood clotting factors.
4.    From infected mother to her baby in the foetus, during delivery or through breast feedings.

You cannot get HIV through

1.    Shaking hands
2.    living with or socializing with the person
3.    Looking after or caring for the person
4.    Working with person
5.    Being close to the person during coughing or sneezing
6.    Using the same swimming pool as infected person
7.    sharing the toilet 
8.    By mosquito and other insect bits as HIV does not survive in insects and therefore the insect does not get infected with HIV and cannot transmit the virus.

What HIV Test Involves?
This involves taking blood sample from the person and sending it to the laboratory for the test. There are many tests that can be done and this depends on the hospital. The result is treated confidentially and only given to the person concerned. At present many hospitals in Nigeria can do the test. It is necessary to remember that the confidentiality of the result must be maintained.

There is no drug for the cure of HIV/AIDS. However, there are many drugs that help the HIV positive patient rfrom becoming ill for many years. They are called antiretroviral drugs. Resistance to viral drug develops readily and to prevent this, combination therapy is used where 3 or more antiretroviral drugs  known to act by different mechanisms are used.

How to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission
There is old saying that prevention is better than cure. in case of HIV/AIDS, there is no cure and only prevention is available. hence, every measure humanly possible should be that the preventive measures are enthroned. As transmission is mostly through sexual activity, abstaining from sex outside marriage is the only sure way to prevent the spread. It is impossible to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS when we promote sex on TV shows, magazines, newspaper write-ups, home video and on the internet. how can we stop the spread of the HIV when commercial sex workers operate at every nook and cranny in condom, she was happy to say that those who refuse to use condom pay double the usual amount. One way to preventing the spreading of HIV that is being actively promoted is through the safer sex practice.


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